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What is a Miracle League?The Miracle League is a baseball league designed specifically for special needs children and adults of all ages. Completely accessible, the rubberized playing surface provides a safe environment where children and adults of all ages and abilities can be successful on the field of play. Held at The Nuxhall Miracle Fields I Fairfield, Ohio, the nearly $3 million complex boasts state-of-the-art technology, including LED field lighting, large video scoreboards complete with live video from the actual game being played, stadium seating for parents, families, and fans, a pavilion with restroom facilities, complete with concessions, music and sound system, and more! Admission is free, so stop by and support our Miracle League players this season!
Where are the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields located?The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields are located at: 4850 Groh Lane Fairfield, OH 45014
How do I get involved as a concession volunteer?Contact Nuxhall Foundation Executive Director Tyler Bradshaw at
How can I make a donation to support The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields?Donations are accepted online at or via a mailed check made out to: The Nuxhall Foundation P.O. Box 18146 Fairfield, OH 45018
Is baseball the only sport available at The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields?We are more than baseball! Our facility is home to adaptable and accessible recreation/playground equipment (like our Ability Whirl or Wheelchair Glider), bocce ball courts, and the accessible 18-hole Skidmore Sales & Distributing Mini Golf Club.
How do I become a member of the Skidmore Sales Mini Golf Club?Members of our Great Miami Valley YMCA Youth League and our Therapuetic Recreation Adult League receive a complimentary membership to the Skidmore Sales Mini-Golf Club as part of their league registration. Each player receives a ball and putter to bring to the facility when they play. Family members of our all-stars can purchase additional putters and balls through the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields.
Who can participate in the youth leagues?The Youth Miracle Leagues are designed for children with special needs ages 5-16. Players are not required be a member of the Great Miami Valley YMCA, as these leagues are open to ALL community participants. Likewise, volunteers are always welcome. Each youth player is matched up with a “Buddy” each week, who plays alongside them throughout the game and provides any special support, encouragement, and assistance necessary for the player to achieve the ultimate success during the game.
When does youth league play begin?Great Miami Valley YMCA hosts spring and fall Miracle Leagues. Each of the league sessions run for a total of 7-8 weeks. League games last approximately ninety minutes in duration. Online registration is available at
How can I register my youth player?Registration forms are available online and at all Great Miami Valley YMCA locations, or by contacting Jennie Endsley, GMVY Youth Miracle League Coordinator – Fairfield Family YMCA (513) 887-0001 extension 1113 or via email at
What equipment is needed for youth league players?Great Miami Valley YMCA will provide each player with a uniform shirt and hat. Players are welcome to bring their own gloves. As safety is our top priority, all equipment will be appropriate to the ability levels of our league participants.
How can I get involved if I don't have a child participating?Volunteers are always needed! Groups, teams, or individuals interested in volunteering as coaches, umpires and buddies for the GMVY Youth Miracle League may contact Jennie Endsley at (513) 887-0001 ext. 1113 or If you’d like to volunteer with our Audio/Visual team, please contact Dustin Dunlavy at: If you’d like to volunteer with our concessions, cleaning, or grounds-keeping teams, please contact us at For those interested in sponsoring The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, please contact us at
Who can participate in the TRD Adult League?Anyone with a mental and/or physical disability age 16 and up.
When does adult league play begin?For the Adult League, registration begins in February; practices start in April and league play usually runs May through July on Fridays. For more information, please see their website at
How can I register my adult player?Registration forms are available online at or by contacting Steve Smith, Adult Softball League Commissioner (513) 253-6740 or via email at
What equipment is needed for adult league players?The TRD Adult softball league provides each player with a uniform shirt and hat. Players may bring their own gloves and bat, but we do provide loaner gloves and bats as well.
How much does it cost to participate in the TRD Adult Softball League?The player registration is $20 and includes uniform shirt, hat, team photo and celebration picnic.
How do I find out if the adult games are on or cancelled due to weather?Call the TRD Softball hotline at 513-275-9903.
I would like to volunteer or consider being a sponsor for the adult softball league. How can I obtain more information?Please contact the league commissioner, Steve Smith at 513-253-6740.
Where can I find more information about Therapeutic Recreation for the Disabled (TRD, the organization that runs the adult softball league and other events for disabled adults)?"Please see their website;

Want to bring a large group out to the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields? Voluncheering is a great way to get them involved in the magic! Make signs, sit in the stands, and get rowdy, because our players feed off your energy!
Click the button below to complete our Voluncheer Opportunity Request Form.
Let's Make A Change—Together.
Donate your time, talent, or treasure for our players.
Visit Us In Person
4850 Groh Lane
Fairfield, OH 45014
Learn More
Contact The Nuxhall Foundation at (513) 829-6899 or send an email to
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