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Miracle Walkers Gear Up for 21-Mile Trek to Support Nuxhall Miracle League

Writer: NuxhallMiracleLeagueNuxhallMiracleLeague

FAIRFIELD, OH (September 5, 2024)—A growing group of inspired community members are lacing up their shoes once again to walk from Fairfield to Great American Ballpark, all in an effort to support athletes with special needs and the legacy of The Ole Lefthander Joe Nuxhall.

 On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, longtime supporters Eric Judd, Benjamin Otto, Jared Baker, and Tyler Parker will trek the 21 miles from Fairfield to Great American Ballpark, raising awareness and funds to support The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields.


“A crazy idea three years ago has blossomed into this annual walk to GABP that helps raise community awareness to the mission of the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields,” says Otto, who first completed the walk in 2021. “For the walkers and the support crew, this is just one day out of our lives where we can advocate for the All-Star athletes and the many volunteers who keep The Joy Factory running.”

Miracle Walkers Ben Otto, Jared Baker, Tyler Parker, and Eric Judd greeting the Joe Nuxhall statue at the conclusion of the 2023 Miracle Walk.

 The Miracle Walk will step off around 6am from the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, where the four walkers will receive an honorary game ball from a Cincinnati Reds representative at the outset of their journey. In total, the walk takes around 10 to 11 hours. Then, the group will make their way from Fairfield through Mt. Healthy, North College Hill, Northside, and Over The Rhine to arrive at Great American Ballpark for that evening’s 6:40pm game against the Atlanta Braves. The group of Miracle Walkers will be introduced on the field and will place the game ball on the mound to put a final stamp on this 21-mile mission.

 Last year, Judd summarized the motivation behind the journey: “Personally, I feel like this contribution of walking to the ballpark is minor, so I hope that people realize they can do something small that helps the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields in a big way,” says Judd. “The walk is small compared to what the special needs families at the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields do on a daily basis. We are donating 12 to 14 hours of our time, and hope to make a big impact. That’s something anyone can do to make this organization and our community better.”

 The Miracle Walk has continued to grow and gain interest—and has garnered tremendous support for The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields. In 2021, Otto walked from Fairfield to GABP and raised more than $12,000 in donations and sponsorships from friends, family, and supporters. Last year, the team brought in more than $16,000 in donations.


Building a Community of Walkers

This year, the team of Miracle Walkers are adding a new twist to incorporate prospective walkers who have asked how they can be a part of the journey. The Miracle Walkers are inviting anyone who would like to join the team for the first or last mile of the route to be a part of it.


“We hear from so many people who are intrigued by this idea and want to join but are a little intimated by the idea of setting out for all 21 miles,” says Judd. “Just like the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, we want to include as many people as we can in what we are doing. Joining for the first or last mile of the route is a great way to do that.”


Those who would like to join for the first or last mile should contact Eric Judd via email at or by phone at (513) 461-1056 for more information.

Following Alf’s Footprints

The origins of the Miracle Walk trace back to a crazy idea from a man known and loved by many in our region.

Tom Alf

In 2019, Otto saw the story of legendary Hamilton educator and community leader Tom Alf, who walked 26 miles from his home to Great American Ballpark to celebrate his 70th birthday.


“I remember hearing about Tom’s walk and thinking how cool it was that he was doing it,” says Otto. “Although I never got meet Tom, I wanted to honor his life of service and commitment to our community by adding a fundraising component to the challenge.”

Otto departing for his first Miracle Walk in 2021.

 Otto never met Alf, who died just four months after completing the walk; but he was inspired by the courage and determination of a man who maintained a sense of adventure late into his life.


In turn, Judd was inspired by Otto completing the walk in 2021, and decided to carry on the tradition while Otto recovered from an injury that prevented him from repeating the trek. Their passion for completing this walk is spreading each year, with Baker and Parker joining for the first time in 2023.

 But both Otto and Judd say that they find their inspiration in the legacy of Joe Nuxhall and his son, Kim. Their selfless giving and all-in commitment to creating a better world, Otto and Judd say, motivates them to dream big and walk with purpose.


“Growing up in Fairfield, you are lucky to have great role models,” says Otto. “For me, it was Joe, Kim, Coaches Ron Masanek and Jason Laflin, Larry [Tischler], Tom Alf who inspired the walk….I grew up watching these community servants. Then, you find yourself raising a family in the community and you want to do something to inspire them just like your own heroes did. This is my way of trying to carry forward their legacy.”


Judd, who planned the McKinley Pub Golf Outing for years and donated more than $100,000 in proceeds from the event to the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, says that his personal connection to Joe and Kim Nuxhall gives him fuel for the journey.


“I do this because I’ve always appreciated how Kim treated me, so watching how he appreciates everyone else inspires me to try and do something for him,” says Judd. “Any free time I’ve ever had, I’ve wanted to use to do something for Kim and for Joe.”


Step by Step

For Ben Otto (47, and shares a birthday with Joe Nuxhall) and Eric Judd (43), the thought of a 21-mile walk can be daunting; but both men have different approaches in preparing for the journey, physically and mentally.


“I will put in a ton of practice,” says Otto. “My goal will be to complete an 11-mile walk as practice.”


This year, Judd will train by attempting to log 100 miles of walking in the lead up to the big day. That includes a couple 7-to-8-mile walks.

After completing the Miracle Walk in 2023, the crew delivered the game ball to the mound at GABP before a Cincinnati Reds game.

 Judd will wear a pair of Mizuno walking shoes, while Otto will sport a pair of Brooks. All of the walkers will chug bottle after bottle of water along the route. But when it comes to dietary choices and music, that’s where the two differ. Judd will snack on bananas, carrots, eggs, and granola bars as he makes the walk. Otto looks forward to stopping for lunch and pounding a cheeseburger and hashbrowns as fuel for his journey. When not conversing with one another, Judd will catch up on podcasts while Otto jams to songs by Caamp and Tyler Childers.


The two have favorite parts of the mapped-out walk as well. For Otto, that moment happens early as he walks through the Riverdale neighborhood in Fairfield that he calls home and appreciating the roots of his upbringing and the community that supports him.


“There are a lot of good reasons to be proud that you’re from Fairfield,” says Otto. “Eric and I hope we’re giving people another reason to be proud.”


Judd’s favorite portion of the walk?


“Laying on the ground at the entrance to Great American Ballpark!”

Eric Judd "relaxing" at the entrance to GABP after completing his first Miracle Walk in 2022.

 Supporting The Miracle Walk

As they have in years past, Judd and Otto will use a GoFundMe page to collect donations and sponsorships for their walk, with 100% of the proceeds benefitting The Nuxhall Foundation.


“I’ve been amazed at the creative lengths that members of our community go to support our cause,” says Kim Nuxhall, President and Board Chairman of The Nuxhall Foundation, “When I think of that creativity, I think of this incredible team of Miracle Walkers. They use this 21-mile journey to raise funds, but even more important, they try to raise awareness for our mission with every step they take. It’s the type of thing that my Dad would’ve absolutely loved, and it means so much that they’ll conclude their journey on Joe Nuxhall Way in Cincinnati.”


Supporters looking to make a donation can make a contribution through the team’s GoFundMePage. The Nuxhall Foundation is also helping to locate a presenting sponsor for the Miracle Walk. Interested companies and organizations can contact Nuxhall Foundation Executive Director Tyler Bradshaw at to discuss potential partnerships. Supporters can learn more about the Miracle Walk by visiting

For the team, they wish that their footsteps will eventually lead to the opening of The Hope Center: a planned 30,000 square foot indoor recreational facility for athletes with special needs to be built at the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields.


“The Hope Center will be life-changing for the players, coaches, and community that call this place home,” says Judd.


With every footstep, Otto wants to honor those individuals who keep these dreams alive.


“A lot of people put their heart and soul into this place—too many to name—and a walk such as this gives us a chance to advocate for all of them.”



About The Nuxhall Foundation

The Nuxhall Foundation is the legacy foundation for former Major League Baseball pitcher and longtime Cincinnati Reds broadcaster, the late Joe Nuxhall. The Nuxhall Foundation carries forward three important legacy projects. A central project of The Nuxhall Foundation is The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields—an entirely accessible baseball and recreational facility where every player with every challenge gets every chance to play. Historically, nearly 300 athletes with physical and developmental disabilities aged 4 to 80 participate in programs at the Miracle League Fields. The Joe Nuxhall Memorial Scholarship (in conjunction with the Fairfield Community Foundation) provides nearly $30,000 per year in scholarship money to student athletes at all 14 Butler County high schools. Very soon, the Joe Nuxhall Memorial Scholarship will cross the million-dollar mark in scholarship money awarded. The Joe Nuxhall Character Education Fund pitches good character to young leaders throughout Greater Cincinnati by delivering and supporting programs that stress the importance of integrity, humility, respect, and kindness. In 2024, The Nuxhall Foundation will launch a $12 million capital campaign to construct The Hope Center, a year-round recreational facility for athletes with special needs that will help to create the world's most comprehensive athletic campus for individuals with disabilities. 


For more information, visit


For all media inquiries or to schedule an appearance, please contact:


Tyler Bradshaw

(513) 839-6164


Miracle Walk Information:

The 2023 Miracle Walk

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Departure: 6am, The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields


To Donate via GoFundMe: 





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