Hello from the Executive Director!
Some people go their entire lives without ever witnessing a miracle.
For those of us at The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, we witness them every single day.
Like many in our community, Joe Nuxhall inspired me with his humility, kindness, and major-league-character. The Ole Lefthander had a gentle spirit and a heart for those with special needs. Although Joe might have passed from this Earth, that spirit continues to inspire those of us who continue the work in his name.
We miss Joe—but it’s easy to see how he’s still here with us. The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields are a tangible outpouring of Nuxy’s heart for the special needs population. There is no place in the world that is more “Joe” than the Nuxhall Miracle League Fields. And there’s absolutely no place in the world that I’d rather be than right here, serving as the Executive Director for The Nuxhall Foundation and The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields.
Making miracles requires teamwork, and at The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, you’ll find players, families, volunteers, community-based organizations, generous donors and sponsors, and many others working together to continue the dream that Joe laid out for us so many years ago. At the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, our entire community comes together to ensure that every individual with every challenge gets every chance to play the game that Joe loved.
So, we invite you to come witness a miracle with us, or even make one yourself! Register to play in one of our leagues if you’re a special needs athlete. Join us for a game and cheer on our all-stars. Volunteer as a buddy, concession worker, or audiovisual team member. Make a donation to ensure that the miracles will continue forever. Those donations also help us achieve new dreams and additions to the campus, like our Skidmore Sales Mini Golf Club, and the forthcoming Hope Center to provide our athletes with year-round recreational opportunities.
On behalf of our Board of Directors at The Nuxhall Foundation, welcome to The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields family!

Tyler Bradshaw
Executive Director
The Nuxhall Foundation

About Tyler
Tyler Bradshaw joined The Nuxhall Foundation as its inaugural Executive Director in 2021. In his role and along with our committed Board of Directors, Tyler provides leadership for all facets of The Nuxhall Foundation including The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, The Joe Nuxhall Character Education Fund, and The Joe Nuxhall Memorial Scholarship. Prior to becoming the Executive Director, Tyler served on the Board of Directors for The Nuxhall Foundation and the Miracle League Fields. Tyler loves spending time and having fun with our Miracle League athletes and families while getting the chance to carry on the mission and vision of one of his heroes, Joe Nuxhall.
An amateur sports announcer himself, Tyler grew up listening to Joe Nuxhall and Marty Brennaman, idolizing the iconic Cincinnati Reds broadcast duo throughout his childhood. For nine years, Tyler served as the Voice of the Hamilton Joes, the summer collegiate baseball team that bears Joe Nuxhall’s name.
As a passionate mental health advocate after losing his father, Scott, to suicide in 2013, Tyler created a blog called Seeya Bub where he writes and speaks about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention to audiences throughout our community. A graduate of Fairfield High School and Miami University, Tyler is currently pursuing his doctorate in organizational leadership and crisis management at Miami. Tyler is also a member of the Miami University Alumni Association Advisory Board, the Butler County Suicide Prevention Task Force, and the Travel Butler County Board of Directors.
Tyler and his beautiful wife, Paige, live in Mason. They are the proud parents of two sons, Jackson and Nolan.
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Longtime board member and emcee joins The Nuxhall Foundation.