The Hope Center

Your gift makes more miracles–including our next big dream, The Hope Center. This 30,000 square foot indoor recreation center will provide a permanent, year-round home for our special needs athletes. A half-million dollar matching gift given by the Nuxhall family is on the table–can you help us meet our goal?
Kim Nuxhall's

I've always believed that "every bee is important to the hive," and every donation made to The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields helps us carry forward this impactful dream that my Dad had before he passed. With your donation, you help us as we continue to make miracles for our players and their families. On behalf of our Board of Directors and all of those who find joy and a sense of belonging as part of our Miracle League family, thank you!
Kim Nuxhall
Volunteer CEO & President
The Nuxhall Foundation

Other Ways To Give:

The Nuxhall Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operating under federal tax identification number #45-4287812. For more information on giving or to discuss your giving plan, please contact info@nuxhallmiracleleague.org